Contact Form
The reason for a contact form is to safely email me with out exposing your email or my email to spammers.
Below, click all the radio buttons that apply. All information that I ask for below is for my own use. For example, if you live in the Colorado region, I assume you will want to hear about my Colorado events and not be emailed about events in Arizona. I ask for a physical address, city, state, zip code, simply because I would like to send a Holiday New Year Card by snail mail. I keep specific email lists, if you are only interested in workshops, click workshops, own a piece, intend to own a piece, click the appropriate radio button. Thank you, I appreciate your time on my site with my work. Remember to do the math so you can submit! Sincerely, Krysteen
My promise to you is if you ever hear from my email or mailing, that it will be a beautiful looking thing.
PS Please send me a note, a testimonial, or gentle critique of my website. I would love to hear from you and send a note back!